Soapbox Derby
Calling all kids…We have a fun competition for you! Do you like to build things and go fast? This is your event! Scrounge up some construction materials and design your own awesome soapbox vehicle.
Boys and girls ages 6-14 may participate. Simply line up on the Main Street Hill on Friday at 6:00 PM in Downtown Stanton. Then, show how fast your soapbox can take you down the hill!
Get started today on your soapbox creation so you are ready for this fun event. Wheels and other building supplies, if you need them, will be available for sale at Rolston Hardware. There is no cost to participate in this event. Race over to the link below for rules, registration and permission forms or make a pitstop at Rolston Hardware, the host of the Soapbox Derby.
Pedal Tractor Pull
Wanted: Kids with STRONG legs! The Pedal Tractor Pulls, hosted by Rolston Hardware, will be held on Main Street in front of Rolston Hardware at 10:00 A.M. Saturday. Children 3 to 10 years old may compete. Pedal tractors will be provided; just show up to enter this event. There is no entry fee, and no pre-registration necessary. Prizes will be awarded.
Pedal Drag Races
Hey Kids, Get Ready, Set, Go! Come test your speed, get in your drag race car and pedal away. The Pedal Drag Races, hosted by the Brick Yard Bar & Grill, will be held on Main Street in front of the Brick Yard after the Pedal Tractor Pulls on Saturday. Children 4 to 8 years old are invited to compete. No pre-registration or fee is required. Come as you are and get ready to hop in one of the provided pedal-powered race cars.
Kiddie Parade
Kids, would you like to be in your very own parade? Be creative and come up with a fun costume or decorate your bike or wagon. You can even invite your whole family to participate! Each child participant (ages 13 and under) will be able to pick a prize from the goodie bin, and 3 lucky winners will receive cash prizes for having the best costumes or decorations: 1st Place – $20, 2nd Place – $15, and 3rd Place – $10. Participants need to line-up for the parade on Saturday at noon, at Zerka’s Party Store on Main St. The parade heads down Main Street and ends at the SOFD Information Booth.
Royal Tea Party
Here is a special event for little ones to have a royally good time. Boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 6 are invited to a Royal Tea Party hosted by our Miss Stanton Court Prince and Princess.
Join the party on Saturday afternoon from 3 to 3:30 P.M. at Hometown Floral on West Main Street. Although not required, our special guests are welcome to get into the spirit by dressing up as their favorite prince or princess.
Each honorary prince and princess will receive a souvenir crown and be treated to a delicious snack of cookies and punch as they live out their own little fairy tales.
Pony Rides
Make your way down to South Lincoln Street on Saturday to catch your free pony ride, sponsored by Stanton Old Fashioned Days. These ponies will be going ‘round from 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.