Rain rain go away, don’t come during Old Fashioned Days…
Unfortunately many events were rained out today, but we still have some evening fun that is still on!
The Ultimate Air Dogs are still all about jumping on S Camburn. Their next shows is an extra long one at 4 P.M. and will be their last one of the day. Then, they’ll be back again tomorrow at 11 A.M. & 1:00 P.M., with finals being held at 3 P.M. More info here: Ultimate Air Dogs
Kids Trade Night at the Man Cave is still a go at 106 W Main St, where they will now be passing out all of the candy that they would have tossed out along the parade route! More info here: Kids Trade Night
Family Karaoke Night has officially been moved to the Brickyard, starting at 6:30 and going until 8:30 P.M. Come on out! Family Karaoke Night
Raffle tickets will be for sale at the Brickyard and the winners will be drawn at 7:30 tonight. More info: Raffle 2022
As far as we know at this time, everything is still on as originally planned for Sunday.
All vendors are welcome to come back to their spaces tomorrow and have another chance to enjoy the festival and make some sales.