Helping to promote the Heritage
and History of Stanton, Michigan


Fire trucks with lights flashing at dusk in parade
Firefighter’s Parade

The Firefighter’s Parade will take place at twilight on Friday around 9:00 P.M., following the pageant. This is our opportunity to honor the men and women who serve through local fire, EMS, and police departments that strive to keep us safe every day and prevent tragedies. Under a dusk sky, Main Street in Stanton will be aglow with the lights and sirens of fire trucks and emergency vehicles from departments stationed all across Montcalm County and the surrounding communities.   

Grand Parade

Our SOFD Grand Parade is a can’t miss attraction during the festival since it brings the whole community together all at the same time and place, so be sure to find a good spot along Main Street between N State and Mill St on Saturday at 1:00 p.m.

To celebrate the 40th SOFD festival, the parade theme will be “Putting the ‘Old Fashioned’ back in Old Fashioned Days.” There will be a contest to see which parade entries can best use their imagination and bring their “old fashioned” ideas to life. Cash prizes of $100, $75, and $50 will go to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entries. We’d like to thank Sheridan Community Hospital for judging and sponsoring this contest and we are excited to see just how old fashioned our parade can be!

Our 2024 Grand Marshals, Ann & Eve Witzel will be featured in the lineup and are sure to bring the fun, so give a wave to show appreciation for their years of support in our community.

Pre-registration is requested and encouraged this year; however, day-of registrations on site will still be accepted. Forms are available here on this website. Simply print off the form, fill it out and return it as directed on the form. For late registrations, simply bring the pre-filled form with you on the day of the parade and give it to one of the members of the Stanton Rotary Club who will be organizing the parade in the Save-a-Lot parking lot, on W. Day St. just west of M-66 (follow the parade registration signs). Line up starts at 11:00 A.M.

Please Note: Candy cannot be thrown from vehicles or floats; instead, candy and other items must be distributed by walkers closer to the crowd for the safety of children. All horse or other animal entries must supply a cleanup crew to follow directly behind them to ensure streets are clean for the car show, foot traffic, and food vendors following the parade.

Kiddie Parade

Calling all Kiddos!!! Here’s a Stanton Old Fashioned Days parade made just for you! You can wear a fun costume/outfit, decorate your bike, wagon, scooter, or stroller and parade down Main Street prior to the Grand Parade. Bring your family and walk, ride, or skate with us!

Each child aged 13 and younger will receive a free ice cream coupon for Anderson & Girls, with three lucky entries each winning $15 grand prizes for being the Most Original, Most Creative, and Most Funny.

Participants need to line-up for the parade on Saturday at noon, at Zerka’s Party Store on Main St. The parade steps off at 12:30 p.m. heading east on Main Street, and ends at the Stage area.

Upcoming Events

6:00 PM SOFD 2025
SOFD 2025
Aug 7 @ 6:00 PM – Aug 10 @ 3:00 PM
Join us for a full weekend of old fashioned family fun!Share this:Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to[...]
6:00 PM SOFD 2026
SOFD 2026
Aug 13 @ 6:00 PM – Aug 16 @ 3:00 PM
Join us for a full weekend of old fashioned family fun!Share this:Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to[...]